Professional Communication Training Class--
The Very Next Day I Was Able to Use His Tools!
I took Dan’s training, and the very next day I was able to use his communication tools in a very difficult meeting. I was able to negotiate a solution that worked for the entire team. I can’t speak highly enough of Dan’s training.
Louisiana State University

Online Professional Communication Training--
Thank you for . . . giving practical easy phrases to use, wisdom to know why . . .
Hi Dan! That was the first video I saw of you and it was so full of energy, I subscribed to your channel, started stalking you on Facebook and Instagram, which has resulted in me giving you money in exchange for your wisdom, insights, and humor. This Memorial weekend, I have binged watched as many videos as I could while reading Say this not That and Energy Vampire Slaying 101 on the kindle app (In bed sick)- because what you say, and how you present is just that good. Thank you for being you, you are just super cool. I appreciate how you connect the dots for us to elevate the global conversation and change our world by having “enlightened understanding” (your response to a comment on youtube) and since I want to be a savvy, effective, communicator too, and I need and appreciate all the help I can get! Thank you for turning on the light, being a light, giving practical easy phrases to use, wisdom to know why, and encouraging all of us to be light, and illuminate our world! Many blessings to you, Buddy, Maggie and your team. Sincerely with hugs,
(a savvy enlightened communicator padawan)

Online Communication Skills Training--
I Regained My Authority Thanks to You!
I had a problem communicating for a while…when someone who is not my boss asked me what I was working on recently, I did exactly what you said, and he did just what you said he would do. Wow! 15 years+ and now I got it. Thank you so much I felt so empowered. I regained my authority thanks to you!
BOA, Southern Brokerage Firm

Professional Development Communication Skills--
Should be Mandatory in All Colleges.
I work as a director of HR for a Job Corps center that provides vocational training to underprivileged youth age 16 to 24. I also train frontline supervisors and train in the community. I wish I could get a commission for the number of times I have referred folks to the website and Energy Vampire Slaying: 101. Practical information. Classes should be mandatory in all colleges. I just love Dan–what a gift!
SHRM-SCP, SPHR, Director of HR at Oneonta Job Corps

Personal Communication Coach--
Pivot and lean with sticky eyes worked fantastically!
Somehow i stumbled on your Youtube page. I watched how to deal with rude coworkers first. Then I began digging deeper into your videos. So, your videos on how to pivot and lean, sticky eyes etc were fantastic. My teenaged daughter actually watched and practiced the technique this week. Your nephews napkin drop was spot on! It took 3 days, now my innocent quiet girl has a new boyfriend! I mean come on!! Your videos are spot on!
Housewife and Mother

Online Communication Training--
Heaps of Great Tips!
Heaps of great tips on how to deal with difficult people. Thanks!
Midwest Manager

Professional Communication Training--
Real, practical advice on work place dynamics, and how to deal with challenging personalities!
Dan gives real, practical advice on work place dynamics, and how to deal with challenging personalities. While we can’t change the personalities of our colleagues, we can change how we allow them to treat us, and how we act or react to their behavior. Dan’s advice comes in small, digestible chunks, which allows us to experiment with changing one behavior at a time. I highly recommend Dan’s program for individuals. What would be ideal is if Dan actually went to corporations and changed the culture from the inside. The whole country could benefit from his teachings!

Professional Communication Class and Professional Development Communication Skills--
I highly recommend that everyone attend his workshops; you won’t be disappointed.
I have had the pleasure of attending Dan O’Conner’s training sessions. The communication tools I received are awesome. I utilize them daily at work and also in my personal life. Dan’s workshops are amazing whether on-line or as a speaker/presenter! I highly recommend that everyone attend his workshops, you won’t be disappointed. You will obtain easy, simple communication tools and more that can be used in the workplace or at home. He is truly one of a kind! Sincerely, Linda Buck, M.Ed;RD/LD

Professional Interpersonal Skills--
It was like an invisible shield began to form around me!
When I began to master some of these communication skills, it was like an invisible shield began to form around me allowing me to cut through the BS, and the backstabbing, negative, cowardly A-holes not only stepped aside but followed my lead without my even asking them to. For nearly two years I had been pleading and teaching and hoping my angry, rude, negative, uncaring, uneducated coworkers would follow my 20-year well-trained example, but, I felt like an old dim lighthouse on a distant coastline, in the middle of a storm, on a very dark night, they just couldn’t see, and I was giving up hope that I could reach them, until…I went over and over the skills, trying this way and that, and today Dan, I nailed it! I wish you could have been there, it was magic!
- C.H. -
You'll have to guess :) :)

Professional Communication Training online
Thank you Dan for making life easier for all of us with your lessons and wisdom.
Dan’s lessons are an ongoing inspiration for me to improve my communication skills and my outlook towards life. Thank you dan for making life easier for all of us with your lessons and wisdom.
Medical staff Officer
American University of Beirut Medical Center

Professional Communication Training Online--
It’s the best professional development product I have ever used!
I have improved my communications exponentially and continue to excel as I review your material and apply the lessons to real world situations. It’s the best professional development product I have ever used, an exceptional value as well!
President, Unmanned Aircraft Safety & Security Society, Inc.
Unmanned Aviation Consultant
Legal Writer

Interpersonal Communication Skills Training--
The best tactical communicator I’ve ever known! The best tactical communicator I’ve ever known!
I’ve learned tons of fresh, unique and practically effective ideas anybody can use to improve their communication and more importantly, preserve relationships that matter most to them.

Online Communication Training Classes--
You will learn how to get your point across to ANYONE in crystal clear verbiage!
Dan has helped me so much! Even though I teach sound communication skills myself nobody compares with Dan’s “shut em down with class” style mixed with awesome humor! I love his style, it to the point with no “grey area” You will learn how to get your point across to ANYONE in crystal clear verbiage!
- Darla Nunes -
Certified Private Mediation

Professional Communication Training
Many thanks for your useful, pragmatic communication training toolsets.
Hi Dan,
Just wanted to take a moment to extend my sincere appreciation for your work;
truly an amazing talent you have.
By conveying such valuable information in a manner that is easily understood and to the point, while solidly holding the viewer / readers attention, the message is readily understood and immediately useful. I have studied psychology / communication most of my life, starting with “Interview and Interrogation” training which was amazing in and of itself; from there things just kept expanding. The field is so vast. Information you share has been honed from many sources and you have integrated it all into very useful, pragmatic toolsets. It takes insightful effort, talent and lots of “thought time” to combine disparate parts and logically position them into applicable use-cases for all. Well done. Again, I am new to you / your YouTube channel, so forgive me for not realizing your many accomplishments and lifetime investment in the art of communication, including understanding people and helping people “connect the dots” of life.
The other day I was completely taken aback by a direct response I received to a chat message left on your training site. It was gracious, kind, open and warm; it also made me smile, as I thought I was sending a chat message ‘to the abyss’, yet it seemed you responded to me directly. That just doesn’t happen very often these days, so thank you.
I will be sharing your work with those in my realm, as it is beneficial to all. The focus of universities these days is on leadership skills. Communication and interaction skills are at the heart of leadership. I hope there is a way your teachings can be incorporated into our mission at our university someday, whether by inviting you to speak at events or in some other way.
Thank you for all you do Dan….. it is appreciated.
- S a n d r a K e l l y -
Systems Administrator | Information Technology Service
Online Communication Training--
Your materials have made a huge positive influence in my life.
Hi Dan,
Professional communication training online--
Thank you for making such a positive difference in this world and for helping me handle an extraordinarily difficult boss.
Communication Skills and Professional Development Skills Training Online
Dan's training is unique to him--is immediately applicable and effective--and is presented in his inimitable authentic, entertaining style.
Hi Jean…On a four hour drive yesterday, I had a lovely opportunity to be listening to Dan's programme - "Step out of the Shadows." My listening was accompanied by a continuing sense of gratitude for finding Dan's materials. I find it hard to put words on why. The nearest is that it's like finding water in a desert! His material makes perfect sense to me. I know when I listen to it - that Dan's approach is how I would wish to respond and, in my experience, it fits perfectly in an Irish context too. Anytime I have used Dan's suggestions - they work, like a dream! Thanks to Dan (and these resources are unique to Dan, in my experience), finding exactly the words I need is such an empowering and peace-giving experience. And, as a bonus, Dan’s sparkling authenticity and uniquely witty presentation cheer me every time.
- Sharon McConnell -
Life Coach & Psychotherapist | Ireland
Dan provided one of the most powerful trainings to date; Dealing with Difficult
People. Dan is energetic, enthusiastic and very effective in engaging his audience.
No one left the room without gaining some knowledge and Dan’s remarkable sense
of humor kept his captive audience laughing and entertained. I jump at any
opportunity to participate in one of Dan’s seminars, you learn so much without even
realizing it. Dan is a master of opening people’s minds to seeing the benefits of the
use of language to better deal with real life situations at work and at home. The most
common consensus of the Administrative Staff after attending one of Dan’s
seminars was how much stress they felt was lifted that day, now that’s
~ Barb O’Rourke
Administrative Lead, Westech International, Loveland, CO
• Over the past five years, I have greatly benefited from the training courses I’ve
taken with Dan O’Conner through his company, Power Diversity. Dan is extremely
engaging, funny, and uniquely effective in his training style. Not only does Dan
teach the information, but he trains the participants so that they leave the class
excited and ready to practice their newly learned skills. Dan’s training style is so
successful and entertaining that on multiple occasions I’ve had him train my entire
staff during annual Division retreats and workshops...money well spent.
~ Nancy Talley
Traffic & Streets Division Manager, Los Alamos County, NM
• This was the best seminar that I have ever been to. The instructor, Dan, was
outstanding and speaks very well and is very personable. His examples are great and
no question went unanswered.
~ John Ballard
Manager Customer Services, Portland, OR
• Dan is an amazing presenter. I’ve attended many seminars and he is the best
~ Christeanne Goodey
Sr. HR Tech, Los Alamos County, NM
• Dan’s training provided specific and detailed information on how to effectively
communicate. Presenter is AWESOME and an amazing and entertaining speaker. I
loved the training!!! Dan, you rock!!! Outstanding speaker!!!
~ Linda Buck
Program Manager, ED; RD/LD Texas DHFS Christi, TX
• Fabulous, outstanding, very informative, great energy. I really enjoyed the
workshop! You have a great passion for delivering the information with much
energy. This makes understanding the material much easier. Outstanding job!
~ Diana Garcia
Regional Nutritionist Dietitian, TX
• Today’s training was wonderful, entertaining, enjoyable, and educational. Dan is
inspiring, motivational, and exhausting...in a good way. I would recommend my
peers to attend this seminar, or any seminar Dan is a part of. Dan thank you for the
experience and knowledge. Hope to see you again in another seminar. Great job!
~ Aaron Koichi Clevenger
Member Service Rep.II, Honolulu, HI
• Excellent presentation! Very informative and interesting. Seminar well worth time
and investment!
~ Scott Stewart
Probation Officer, Bloomington, MN
• Dan is an excellent motivational speaker. He is amazing with the techniques that he
uses in his seminar. The topics covered will be very helpful to me both
professionally personally. Thanks, Dan.
~ Connie Long
Communications Director, Charleston, WV
• The speaker was well-prepared and excited about his topic. I was never bored. The
speaker gave me tactics to deal with tough employees and members. Better than
other seminars I have attended. Dan was very personable.
~ Brook Howard
Assistant Branch Manager, Evansville, IN
• Excellent group participation, humor, content, examples, etc. The best training in 30
~ Randy Smith
Division Manager, Los Alamos County, NM
• Dan was refreshing! The new skills & techniques taught on how to deal with
difficult people, done in a carefree, interactive environment, was a true eye-opener.
It will be very helpful in my daily dealings at home and work. Thanks! ~ Tomekia Griffin
Office Administration, Houston, TX
• Awesome job. Good, very useful info. Entertaining.
~ Zellisa Felder
Office Administration, Houston, TX
• Dan O’Connor has a thorough knowledge of the subject matter, and presents the
seminar in a fresh and relaxing manner that is very conducive to learning. I would
recommend this seminar to everyone, because these communication skills will help
everyone become more successful in all areas of life.
~ Joe Mobley
Fuel analyst, Columbus, OH
• ... Dan O’Connor is absolutely positively the best trainer that has come through
these doors. We must have him again and again. I have never been so impressed and
affected by a trainer ... . There aren’t enough words to cover or convey the great gift
this man has in imparting the skills of customer service. I applaud you all for
selecting him and look forward to being trained by him in the future.
~ Sonya Fisher
Incentive Process analyst, Miami, FL
• Dan O’Connor was very knowledgeable of the material. Very effective, clearly
organized. He uses excellent communication skills. He is committed to training this
course in such a way that class participants were completely satisfied and came
away with tactics that can be used immediately in work settings and in personal life.
~ Beverly Hughes
RTS Supervisor, Bloomington, MN
• Dan made this training very interesting and was very knowledgeable in his
presentations. He’s an outstanding instructor. I hope in the future your company has
more instructors like Mr. O’Connor. This training went by super fast because Mr.
Dan O’Connor made it interesting and very enjoyable.
~ Nephi K. Akina
General Foreman, Honolulu, HI
• Best workshop I’ve ever attended!
~ Annette Baumgartner
Los Alamos County, New Mexico
• Well the halls are buzzing at WAPA with all the laughing coming from the
conference rooms the last few days. Definitely a BIG HIT! It must be gratifying
having such an impact in a forum that usually consists of yawns and ‘when can we get out of here?’ Thanks for being such an inspiration!
~ Pam Baltimore
Administrative Assistant, Loveland, CO
• Dan is an outstanding presenter–highly motivated and thoroughly knowledgeable
about interpersonal communications.
~ Thomas E. Denton
Engineer Tech II, Anchorage, AK
• Dan was so energetic and into what he was teaching. He is awesome. It really helps
when people like him take a personal interest in the message that is being sent. I feel
as though he has taught me how to effectively become a better communicator and
listener. People like Dan do make a big difference in the world. He is so positive.
~ Tara Conaway
Payments Supervisor, Baltimore, MD
• Daniel O’Connor was one of the best speakers I’ve heard. He was so motivating,
lots of energy, positive, funny, organized, and presented lots of useful information.
An overall amazing speaker and person. I’m so glad I was able to attend this
seminar. I also liked the examples and situations Daniel used during the seminar. He
was able to make everyone in class feel comfortable and he got us involved in the
seminar. Daniel is also so funny. I greatly enjoyed every moment. Great job Daniel!
~ Valerie Kimura
Manager, Honolulu, HI
• The most energizing, motivating seminar I have ever attended. Dan kept my
attention for the entire 2 days. Bravo. Dan, thanks so much for helping me figure
out how to improve my communication with “all” people at my company.
~ Darlene Davis
Executive Assistant, Minneapolis, MN
• Hi Dan. I attended your class on Advanced Communication Tactics for Leaders last
week. Your approach to teaching is refreshing and was very enjoyable. You made us
laugh but you also made us think. At least...you made me think. I’m convinced
you’d do well on the Standup Comic circuit because you have the ability to tell
stories, lay out a scenario and get people to relate–not to mention you are just plan
funny and fun!
~ Vi Michaelis
Electrical Engineer, Loveland, CO
• The seminar was very informative and it provided many tactics which will improve
my communication habits. I feel the seminar is very helpful. I felt the tactics
provided will increase my communication skills. I found I was using the techniques before the seminar was over.
~ Nicholas Osborne
Client Response Representative, Indianapolis, IN
• It has been not only very informative, but also very entertaining, which makes
sitting in a seminar all day fun! I have really enjoyed this seminar. The examples
were great and I appreciated the opportunity to discuss specific situations. Dan
presented a wide variety of communication skills that can be used both
professionally and personally. This is the first seminar I can say I have thoroughly
enjoyed from beginning to end and am walking away with more power than I had
before. I was disappointed when the seminar ended.
~ Tammie Belanger
Pharmacy Tech. Supervisor, Anchorage, AK
• Unbelievable! Dan was the best prepared and knowledgeable seminar trainer I have
ever had.
~ John Erwin
IT Specialist, Portland, OR
• The 2-day session surpassed all expectations. It was never boring. Thank you for
raising my standards and expectations and giving me the tools to do so.
~ Evelyn Fowler
Production Manager, Bloomington, MN
• The training left me energized and with useful tools.
~ Laura Gonzales
IT Manager, New Mexico