3 Secrets for Dealing with Rude Comments from Coworkers + Video Jul 04, 2019

How to Deal with Rude Comments from Coworkers

In this free online communication training video, communication coach Dan O'Connor will teach you 3...

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How to Respond to Backhanded Compliments and Other Passive-Aggressive Comments at Work Dec 15, 2018

Backhanded compliments--your holiday treasure!

The holidays are here, and that means eating and drinking and generally over-doing it, whether at...

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How to Move On, let go of the past, Get Un-Stuck, And Heal an emotional scar, or Sacred Wound: Dan O'Connor Mindful Communication Dec 03, 2018

Heal Emotional Scars, move on and find peace

How many times do you get caught up, bound up and wound up thinking about a past hurt or slight. ...

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The Tragic Call: What to do When Someone Else Receives It   Nov 06, 2018

Q:What do I say when someone tells me tragic news?

A: There are some things all savvy communicators are skilled in. Responding to tragic news is...

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How to Deal with the Silent Treatment From a Friend, Co-Worker, Boss, boyfriend, girlfriend, or Spouse Jun 08, 2018

In today's effective communication skills training video lesson, you'll learn how to deal with the silent treatment.

The Silent Treatment: Is it a...

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Rude Comments AT WORK? How to respond and shut them down mindfully and professionally May 31, 2018

Rude comments, inappropriate comments IN THE WORKPLACE--What to do . . . .

Whenever I publish a Youtube communication skills or interpersonal...

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How to Quit Your Job | What to Say When You Quit Your Job | Communication Skills Training Videos May 25, 2018

So it's time to quit your job

You're wondering--just how do you go about doing that?  What are the steps?  Is there a proper way to quit...

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Communication Secret Revealed: How to PIVOT away from unwanted questions May 22, 2018



Communication Secret about to be...

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INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY! One Woman's Journey Can Make a HUGE difference Mar 08, 2018
A blog by Jean M. Schmith

On International Women's Day, we honor the women in our lives--

Those who work in the home, those who work outside the...

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How to Tell Someone They Smell | Effective Communication Skills training Mar 08, 2018

OMIGOD, this is a tough one--how to tell someone they smell or their cologne is KILLING YOU

In this communication skills video, communication...

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Forgiveness sets you free: Interpersonal Relationship Skills-Empowerment Mar 07, 2018

Are you struggling with forgiveness?  Have you been SO HURT you cannot forgive?

Have you noticed the world is becoming more about winning and...

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Top 10 Body Language Mistakes Women Make When Communicating With Men Feb 26, 2018

In this professional communication training video, communication skills coach Dan O'Connor ILLUSTRATES and discusses the top 10 body language...

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COPING STATEMENTS for maintaining control: Handling emotions Feb 20, 2018

What do you do when you're about to be overcome with emotion and you can't leave the situation (or sometimes the job itself??)

What do you do when...

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4 Magic Phrases You Can Use to Respond to Anything Feb 14, 2018


OK, I made this video years ago when I was just a baby starting out delivering communication skills training seminars for free (basically)....

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Angry Email: Don't even think about it!   Feb 14, 2018
A blog by Jean M. Schmith

You're angry, and you're going to let him have it with an angry email

If you send it, the loser will be you.

To begin...

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